Comparison of Commercially Available B-Glucans -Part IV.” Anticancer Research, vol. 38, no. 3, 2018, doi:10.21873/anticanres.12355.
This article is a continuation of research on different available Beta Glucans and cancer. Research on the efficacy of Beta Glucan is extensive and may be leading to it becoming a licensed drug in this country. It has stood the test of time, and more and more uses are being identified because of its immunomodulatory properties. More studies to identify the most active Beta Glucans are essential to help consumers. Sixteen different commercial glucans were tested on phagocytosis of peripheral blood neutrophils, inhibition of cancer growth, and as an adjuvant using an experimental model of ovalbumin. These researchers compared these 16 new samples, which included Glucan #300 again, as it had been shown to be the most biologically active sample they had tested in the past tests of 43 samples. In all of the tests this time, and in the past, Glucan #300 was the most active. Read More…